Our Blog

Broadening our horizons: how we empower families to tackle multiple life challenges related to food insecurity
As we increase our capacity over time, I Can for Kids (iCAN) aims to expand our grocery gift card program by partnering with more and more frontline agencies from our long (and growing) wait list.
Broadening our horizons: how we empower families to tackle multiple life challenges related to food insecurity
As we increase our capacity over time, I Can for Kids (iCAN) aims to expand our grocery gift card program by partnering with more and more frontline agencies from our long (and growing) wait list.
November 2020 Campaign Update
2020 in a word – Let’s be honest, we’ve all used a few choice words to describe 2020. The economic downturn was slow...
2020 Summer Food Program University of Calgary Research Study
I Can for Kids Foundation has announced their participation and support of an important qualitative research study by...
September 2020 Campaign Update
Nearing the end of March 2020, months ahead of our usual program schedule, I Can for Kids launched three months of...
July 2020 Campaign Update – Together, we’re supporting kids
Since April 8, 2020, 45 agency partners have helped us support 10,000+ hungry kids in Calgary. To date, we've...
I Can for Kids announces early start to its summer food program for Calgary kids in need
As it enters its sixth year of operation, I Can for Kids announced that due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, they...
Someone amazing just joined our board!
Someone amazing just joined our board! On behalf of the I Can for Kids family, we are excited to announce Shawn Howard...
Our Response to COVID-19
Turning Crisis into Hope No matter where we live, no matter who we are, we’ve all been impacted by the COVID-19...
2019 IC4K Impact Report Released
It’s our favourite time of the year – time to share all the I Can for Kids Foundation achieved over the past summer!...
Join us at the University District’s 2019 Northwestival
Celebrate Calgary’s Premiere Winter Celebration of Community Spirit and Holiday Cheer!  Northwestival 2019 When:...