Our partners
To tackle such a big issue, we rely on big collaboration
Without these community-minded and caring organizations, our work wouldn’t be possible.
Our agency partners
Our model is based on the lived experience of families dealing with food insecurity and other life stressors. We forge ongoing relationships with as many frontline agencies as possible, knowing they have the expertise to target our program while addressing a whole host of additional barriers that food-insecure households often face.
We deeply appreciate the many years of effective collaboration with these wonderful community partners.

The mother of a family who accesses our support currently works two jobs, while her husband works full time. Yet they are still just scraping by. This family cried when I gave them gift cards. This has been a saving grace because inflation has hit them really hard. With the gift cards, they were able to buy their kids the fresh produce they could not afford otherwise.
I Can for Kids is the only organization like it in the city! It gives families dignity and autonomy in choosing the foods that their kids need. Many people feel ashamed and embarrassed to access other food resources and programs. The I Can for Kids gift card program allows people to freely choose what foods they will provide for their family and allows them to shop with no one around them knowing that they are struggling financially.