Our Blog

Building resilience not dependence
Our recipients and agency partners collaborate with us to maximize the number of families who benefit from our program.
Building resilience not dependence
Our recipients and agency partners collaborate with us to maximize the number of families who benefit from our program.
Northwestival Returns!
Our favourite winter festival is back! Join us at Northwestival in University District on Sunday, December 5th for a fun-filled day of activities, food and entertainment.
Grocery gift cards do more than fill empty bellies
Our partners identify vulnerable kids and families most in need and offer our gift cards to help ease the stresses caused by lack of household income and food insecurity. The U of C study confirms our approach is working.
Grocery gift cards encourage healthier eating
Study participants told researchers that before receiving I Can for Kids grocery gift cards, limited finances restricted their ability to purchase fresh foods.
Restoring dignity with grocery gift cards
When receiving I Can for Kids grocery gift cards, recipients told researchers they could prioritize their own household needs and it helped them feel competent as a parent.
SPUD is fueling the potential of our future generation
From now through to the end of September when you purchase a Back-to-School bundle from SPUD, they’ll donate $1 to I Can for Kids!
Most innovations seem obvious. After the fact.
Supplying our frontline agency partners with grocery gift cards represented a focus on an income-based response to food insecurity because lack of food isn’t the issue, the root of the problem is a lack of money.
It’s Almost Time For Karen To Climb For Kids!
Our fearless friend, Karen Knowlton, has been hard at work training for Karen Climbs for Kids and will be summiting Mount Athabasca (3,491m) in Jasper National Park on July 23 in support of I Can for Kids.
Calgary food bloggers share their creations, raise awareness of childhood hunger #StackedAgainstHunger
This year, we are bringing back our popular social media campaign, #StackedAgainstHunger, in time for 2021’s Calgary Stampede.
A New Brand, A New Approach
We’re taking a bold new approach to alleviating food insecurity for children and youth in our city. And we have a strong new look to match our mission.