It’s our favourite time of the year – time to share all the I Can for Kids Foundation achieved over the past summer! Together with our donors, partners, and volunteers we’ve proven that if we work together, every person can make an impact in their community.
Our 2019 Impact Report is one of milestones. It was our fifth year in operation; we hit a total of over 212,000 meals provided to hungry kids in Calgary; we created a new advisory board; and we launched a new brand. And if that wasn’t enough, this year alone we also provided more than 74,000 meals and 100,000 snacks to hungry kids throughout our city – a 550% increase from our first summer back in 2015.
While we take a moment to recognize our accomplishments, we can’t forget the reality of the situation. The number of hungry children in our community is increasing, and we will need to work hard over the next five years and beyond to meet that growing demand. Your continued support will help us take the next crucial steps to meeting our goal.
Thank you for giving so many children and youth in Calgary food to bloom and a chance for a healthier future. Our story is one of a community working together to feed local kids, without barriers or limitations, so they can grow to their full potential. It’s I Can for Kids story, it’s our partners’ story, and it’s your story. It’s a story that’s always evolving, and because we work together to tell it, our story will help end childhood hunger in our own backyard and create a healthy future for kids in our city.
Please enjoy reviewing the report and seeing how you helped make a difference in lives of thousands of hungry kids this summer.
Bobbi & Sutton
Download the Report